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Reading Buses wins Pride of Reading Award for supporting local charities

November 15, 2017

20171103_150358It’s been another successful journey for Reading Buses.

The local operator has proudly won the Business in Action (over 50 employees) at the Pride of Reading Awards.

The judges have recognised the efforts of Reading Buses to raise money and support local charities, their commitment to the environment as well as for helping people to get around Reading .

In giving the bus operator the award, the judges have also recognised their constant focus on innovation and technology.

A delighted Martijn Gilbert, Chief Executive Officer of Reading Buses, said today:  “We are incredibly proud of the way our employees interact with our customers to help make travelling by bus a great experience.

“Our drivers and employees have an emphasis in helping individuals and the community around them.

“We are committed to helping Reading and our employees have chosen a charity of the year for the past 10 years during which time we have raised £62,000 for eight charities – all Reading based or ones with a local branch.

“Working with these charities we have helped to raise not only money, but also awareness of them, including our latest charity Red Balloon which supports the recovery of severely bullied children.”