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Go By Bus Message For Car Free Day

September 26, 2022

Reading Buses are openly encouraging motorists in West Berkshire to travel with them for free on forthcoming National Car Free Day.

To celebrate and promote Car Free Day, Reading Buses have teamed up with West Berkshire Council to provide completely free travel in West Berkshire on Thursday September 22.

‘Take the bus’ is the message as people are encouraged to give up their cars for a day and unlike previous free travel initiatives Reading Buses will issue a return ticket.

While free travel is only valid when boarding in West Berkshire,  passengers can go anywhere and return on the same route. For example, if boarding jet black in Theale they can travel to Reading and back for free, just needing to scan their ticket on the return journey.

Reading Buses advise they will not be issuing free tickets for journeys started outside of West Berkshire. For example, for journeys starting in the opposite direction, people will pay a single fare from Reading to Theale, but the trip back to Reading will be free as it starts in West Berkshire.

Said Robert Williams, CEO of Reading Buses: “We are hoping free travel on National Car Free Day will help promote local businesses and encourage more sustainable transport.

“By encouraging people out of their cars and onto the bus we can reduce the amount of congestion on our roads and improve air quality – two benefits for everyone.

“It should be remembered that a double deck bus at full capacity can take over 2km of cars off the road.”

Reading Buses are also reminding people that concessionary pass holders and those who already have a ticket – for example a 30-day pass – should  still scan their pass as normal.

Full details for boundaries can be found at