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May 13, 2021

In anticipation of increased customer numbers on buses following the government’s announcement that more indoor entertainment will open from next Monday, Reading Buses will be allowing all forward-facing seats to be used to avoid leaving anybody behind.

The clear message today from Reading Buses is that in addition to their existing vigilance throughout the pandemic they are creating the capacity to welcome back customers who have been starved of entertainment during the lockdown.

And this will include using all forward-facing seats when necessary following a clarification of existing rules around on-board social distancing.

“We are running a full timetable and have plenty of capacity to get people to where they need to go,” Reading Buses Chief Executive Officer Robert Williams assured today.

“We will continue adding extra buses if we find any regular occasions where 1 metre social distancing can’t be maintained.

“We have been awaiting the latest government announcement with interest as we expect the reopening of indoor entertainment will lead to another increase in customer numbers on our buses.

“We can’t wait to welcome back people who may not have travelled with us in over a year. We can assure them we have been doing all we can to keep customers and employees safe and connected during the pandemic.”

He went on: “Reading Buses have an enhanced cleaning regime, hand sanitiser stations on every bus and ask that windows are left open to maximise ventilation.

“Face coverings must still be worn by all customers throughout their journey, unless they have an exemption.

“With all the measures in place on buses, the risk of catching the virus is extremely low – especially with the large percentage of vaccinated customers added into the mix.

“In fact,” said Robert, “travelling on the bus will probably be safer than when you arrive at your destination and are sat across a table from your friend inside a café, pub or restaurant without a face covering on.”

Robert emphasised that the company will be closely monitoring developments as more and more customers return to bus travel to enjoy indoor entertainment.

“We will be monitoring all routes to identify hot-spots where demand increases dramatically and reacting positively.

“We also hope to offer a route-by-route guide to highlight the best times to travel for those who are able to be more flexible.”

He added that rear-facing seats should not be used except by household bubbles and standing on board would still not be allowed to help minimise face to face contact which has the highest risk of spreading the virus.