

The Association of Local Bus Managers (ALBUM) exists to support the vitally important municipally owned and independent SME bus sector in the UK.

ALBUM advocates for the municipal and SME sector in respect of Government policy, responds to government consultations affecting the bus industry, shares information and best practice with the aim of encouraging more people to travel by bus, and provides networking opportunities for managers in the industry.

We have around 160 members representing some 40 bus operators including all the municipal bus companies and a large part of the independent bus sector in the UK, so much so that together our members are responsible for the operation of some 5,000 buses in the UK, roughly equivalent to one of the larger bus groups.

We also encourage bus industry suppliers to join as Associate Members – this helps to foster relationships and facilitates the exchange of ideas and knowledge.

We hold regular meetings of Managing Directors and have separate marketing, engineering, commercial & operation groups which meet regularly.

Each year we hold a well-regarded conference which is a fantastic way for suppliers and operator members to get together and work to build a better bus industry.

We are proud to be Advocate members of Women in Transport and supporters of the UK Bus Awards and Euro Bus Expo. We’re are pleased to work in partnership with the Confederation of Passenger Transport (CPT), Urban Transport Group (UTG), Bus Users UK and many other stakeholders.

Join us today and you will be joining a network supporting the municipal and SME bus sector and will benefit from a wealth of experience, expertise and above all friendly and helpful advice and support.